Mother and daughter bond under Dr. Merchant’s care

By Dr. Shehrebanu Merchant

Long-time patient Nicole started seeing me for routine exams and I delivered both of her children. Fast forward 18 years, I now see Nicole’s daughter for routine exams.

For Nicole, having an empathetic way of talking was extra important when it came to her daughter having her first routine exam. Before the exam, I talked with Nicole’s daughter for 45 minutes. “My daughter felt relaxed by Dr. Merchant’s calming presence which is just what she needed,” said Nicole.

I make it a priority to impart a calming presence to all levels of care. “Seven or so years ago I had a cyst removed and since I wasn’t going to have any more children, I had a Tubal done at same time,” said Nicole.

Post follow-up, I made sure to extend the same level of attentive care. “Dr. Merchant called me herself to check in on the procedure and give me the (good) results from the cyst being removed,” added Nicole. Routine exam, in- and outpatient procedures, “Dr. Merchant is consistently there for her patients and spends the time that the patients need, just like my daughter who was nervous for her first exam but was able to relax being in Dr. Merchant’s presence,” said Nicole.

Dr. Merchant is a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist who has been practicing in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago for the last 27 years.

© Shehrebanu Merchant, MD | 2024 All Rights Reserved.

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