Birth Control Options

Dr. Merchant offers many different types of birth control options to her patients. She will help you to select the type that is right for you. There are benefits and risks to every type of birth control and every patient reacts differently. By taking your health history into consideration, she will make sure to recommend the safest type of birth control for you.

Selecting an appropriate birth control method requires accurate information, professional advice, and thoughtful consideration of your birth control goals and options. Dr. Merchant would consider the following when recommending a birth control method:

Your personal health history
Whether you’re looking for a short-term or long-term option
If you have plans for pregnancy
Your and your partner’s level of comfort with each method
Affordability and accessibility under your insurance

Dr. Merchant will work with you to decide on the best birth control method for you and your partner.
There are some of the birth control options that you might discuss with her:

Birth Control Pill
Condoms (Male or Female)
Spermicidal Lube, Gel, Or Foam
Diaphram (Silicone Cup)
IUD (Intrauterine Device)
Nexplanon (Arm Implant)
Tubal Ligation (i.e. Laparoscopic, Essure)

Dr. Merchant is a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist who has been practicing in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago for the last 27 years.

© Shehrebanu Merchant, MD | 2024 All Rights Reserved.

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