Fertility Services

Dr. Merchant has provided medical support to many couples having difficulty getting pregnant and will provide you with personalized care to meet your fertility needs. She will take into consideration how long you’ve been trying to get pregnant, your age, your fertility goals to provide you with the appropriate fertility services.

Because your health prior to pregnancy affects your chances of conceiving and your pregnancy outcomes, Dr. Merchant will also provide you with preconception counseling. To assess your general health and wellbeing, she can help you check for medical conditions such as diabetes, thyroid conditions, or anemia that might make it harder to get pregnant.

Depending on your and your partner’s needs, Dr. Merchant can offer any of the following fertility services to you:

Fertility Work Up (Blood Tests)
Ovulation Enhancement / Induction
In-Office Procedures (i.e. Endometrial Biopsy)
Outpatient Surgical Procedures (i.e. Laparoscopy)

Dr. Merchant is a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist who has been practicing in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago for the last 27 years.

© Shehrebanu Merchant, MD | 2024 All Rights Reserved.

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